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August 2004

Careful what you wear in the Land of the Free

An amazing story from the USA, of a couple in Charleston, West Virginia who wore T-shirts with anti-GW Bush slogans when they attended the President's official Fourth of July appearance at the State Capitol.

Jeff and Nicole Rank were ejected from the rally, arrested, handcuffed, fingerprinted and remanded to appear in court at a later date. And Nicole then found herself sacked from her job in classical Kafkaesque fashion.

Yes your name doesn't infringe trademark after all

We know how much Ashcroft and the neo-con thugs are trying to make the American Constitution's First Amendment irrelevant, but here's a case settled by the US Court of Appeals in favour of an individual whose surname happened to be the same as that of a big multinational.

Nissan Motors sued Mr Uzi Nissan for setting up a website registered as After winning their case, the decision was overturned in Mr Nissan's favour at appeal.
