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youtube do dia

Youtubes do dia: Kevin07, John Ol'55, and... Hajnal

More proof that John Howard Simply Doesn't Get It comes with this insistence on releasing Youtube videos at 5am. Does he think the Intertubes Generation will just be rolling in from the nightclubs and logging on at that hour?

No, a more plausible reason is that 5am is a good time to issue video press releases in time for the brekky TV shows, not to mention his radio buddies such as Neil Mitchell and Belford Parrott. And Youtube, of course, is a free medium for videos less than ten minutes long.

Youtube do dia: The farce is dead, long live the farce

John Howard's blatant abuse of constitutional power came to an end this morning when he visited the Governor General and obtained a dissolution of the House of Representatives, and a federal election on November 24. This is the date that Peter Costello implied at the AFL Grand Final Breakfast last month.

The Prime Minister's election announcement has been purloined by the Liberal Party for use on their Youtube website. Unfortunately the Liberal Party apparatchik responsible for uploading the video has no concept of 16:9 ratios.

Youtubes do dia: Archimedes and Newton

As Live Earth fades away into oblivion, here are the two remaining Greenpeace ten-second PSA's featuring the claymation climate change epiphanies of Archimedes and Sir Isaac Newton (following on from the Einstein video that I featured yesterday):


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